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  • Hey Dateline fans! As a bonus for you, we’re sharing the trailer for Murder in the Moonlight, an all-new original podcast series from Dateline and Keith Morrison. In this podcast, Keith Morrison takes listeners to a quiet farmhouse on America’s Great Plains, where Sharmon and Wayne Stock have just celebrated Easter with their big, loving family.[...]
  • Nearly 13 years to the day after Nona’s murder, a woman has a chilling encounter with a predator in the night.
  • A new suspect says he has an alibi, but can he prove it?
  • A jury holds the fate of Nona’s boyfriend in its hands.
  • When police name a suspect, the court of public opinion all but convicts him.
  • Investigators focus on a man with Nona’s blood on his hands.
  • The murder of 19-year-old Nona Dirksmeyer shakes the community of Russellville, Arkansas to its core.
  • Nona Dirksmeyer is a young beauty queen. Smart and talented, her future is bright. But just days before her 20th birthday, Nona is murdered in her apartment. Police quickly decide their primary suspect is the young man who found her – her boyfriend, Kevin. After all, his bloody palm print is at the crime scene.[...]

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